...Doesn't even the US have restrictions on journalism?...
...A photograph of an individual in a public place is by definition not private information. What occurs in public is public...
Nobody understands the US.
The "US" is, literally "us", as in "we", as in "we, the people".
The "government has no powers of it's own except the powers it receives from "we the people".
And, "we, the people" put our concerns right up front in the Bill of Rights:
"...congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..."
Period. "...no law..." End of story.
...Perhaps something along the lines of proving that revealing information on a private figure is 'in the public interest'?..
Got that backwards - that's concerning "we the people", the public, having the right private information, not trying to make public information private!
And, what exactly is a "private figure" anyway?