Brian Peppers is perhaps the lowest that any editor can go on. It is everything that wikipedia is not. As I said we echo the craziest things from a new japanese playing card game and list every character down to their waist size to news of a cabinet reshuffle before its hit the lunchtime news. We are not a pen and paper encyclopedia and we have the ability to echo sourced information long before other have to shift through google "priority" hits, but when things are nasty, irrelevent or just downright shocking internet memes - I say don't go there.
But who determines whether it is 'nasty, irrelevent or just downright shocking'? I certainly don't have the same opinion on the matter as you or as several admins. Does this mean that I am wrong? Perhaps. But I would argue that it is important that policy strive for objective measures so that there are no nasty suprises to people several hundred revisions and many consensuses later.
Sincerely, Silas Snider