G'day Marc,
(Go on, snip the bit I liked. No, no, I don't mind. If anyone wants me, I'll be alone in the corner, crying ...)
on 6/11/07 1:06 PM, Mark Gallagher at m.g.gallagher@student.canberra.edu.au wrote:
And I do agree with you about the Tyranny of Structurelessness; all it means is that the powers-that-be are hidden from view, unknown, perhaps even to themselves. And nobody is accountable. This is a constant risk on Wikipedia, and there are parts of the project that have already succumbed.
OK, folks, how many references to ³structurelessness², and the effect it is having on this Project, is it going to take, before this Community wakes up and sees it for the truly serious problem that it is?
When will this Community realize that these ³powers-that-be² members with the loudest, most persistent, seemingly ³authoritative², and seemingly most convincing voices, will take negative advantage of that structureless vacuum and steer it in the direction they want it to go? And that, right now, they like it just the way it is!
I'm not convinced that the Man Behind the Curtain is entirely conscious of his power. Certainly I've had a lot of arguments with authoritative admins who aren't aware of how much power they wield, and how much potential for damage they possess.