Guy Chapman aka JzG wrote:
On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 19:23:37 -0700, "George Herbert" wrote:
Snipping some very wise words (and not just for MONGO), there is one important facet missing. MONGO's problems arise in no small part from the extreme determination of a small group of lunatics, the 9/11 conspiracy theorists. These people are barking mad, and MONGO enforced and enforces policy against them, in the process (and probably at least half intentionally) proving to them that their mad theories are both mad and negligible. They absolutely hate that, and they would hate it whoever was the messenger.
Maybe there are others who would be more effective in keeping this crowd contained. When someone has a mad theory attempting to disprove it is rarely successful. Negligibility and notability debates fall into the same basket of futility. A diplomatic contain and control policy may work better with these people than direct confrontational enforcement.