geni wrote:
On 7/6/07, Charlotte Webb wrote:
On 7/6/07, geni wrote:
These are facts. Presenting them as anything else would be misleading.
I'm not talking about facts. I'm talking about unprovable and mutually conflicting theories.
Speciation is a theory
"The earth is a reasonably well-approximated oblate spheroid." is a theory.
The first conflictics with certian versions of creationism. The second conflicts with the Aristotelian model.
The oblate spheroid shape of the earth was not likely observable in Aristotle's time. Such a deviation from Aristotle's conclusion that the Earth was a sphere is trivial.
Nobody's seriously dismissing Einstein as a nutter, but he himself admitted "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong."
Such is the beauty of theories.
If you are going to bring up falsificationism you could at least have the decency to credit Karl Popper rather than Einstein.
It's prmature to suggest that failing to mention Popper was indecent.