On 7/6/07, Marc Riddell michaeldavid86@comcast.net wrote:
on 7/6/07 7:07 PM, geni at geniice@gmail.com wrote:
On 7/6/07, Charlotte Webb charlottethewebb@gmail.com wrote:
On 7/6/07, geni geniice@gmail.com wrote:
These are facts. Presenting them as anything else would be misleading.
I'm not talking about facts. I'm talking about unprovable and mutually conflicting theories.
Speciation is a theory
"The earth is a reasonably well-approximated oblate spheroid." is a
The first conflictics with certian versions of creationism. The second conflicts with the Aristotelian model.
Nobody's seriously dismissing Einstein as a nutter, but he himself admitted "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong."
Such is the beauty of theories.
If you are going to bring up falsificationism you could at least have the decency to credit Karl Popper rather than Einstein.
-prove-me-right-a-single-experiment-can-prove-me-wrong----Albert-Einstein-Qu ote.shtml
Geni's point didn't go to the attribution of the specific quote, but rather to the fact that Popper (with such quotes as "*No matter how many instances of white swans we may have observed, this does not justify the conclusion that all swans are white.") *is much better known as an advocate of falsifiability than is Einstein.
I, of course, think that both get the point across quite nicely.
-- Jonel