On 1/24/07, Angela beesley@gmail.com wrote:
On 1/24/07, dmehkeri@swi.com dmehkeri@swi.com wrote:
Always Leave Something Undone used to be a Rule To Consider, didn't it.
Yes, but it got {{rejected}}. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Always_leave_something_undone
Not before it was merged with a somewhat unrelated idea, about what to do if you don't know a relevant piece of information.
This touches on a basic contradiction that we haven't really come to terms with -- on the one hand, this is an open collaboration, intended to let people see when something is unfinished, help them verify its accuracy, and quickly contribute what they know. On the other hand, many want the project to "look professional", to have a certain polish, to be respected as a brilliant resource.
It would be awfully nice if there were some simple differentiation in skin that could distinguish articles at different stages of development, so that leaving questions and unfinished statements in an article would not be unexpected or 'unprofessional' in an article written on lightly crumpled recycled paper; and unfinished ideas would not be unespected on some slightly grenapkin paper...