Hi, Adam. I know you're in a rush to reply to various parties here, but could you avoid top-posting? It makes it hard on readers, and as a correspondent it means I have to do more cleanup to reply to one of your posts.
On to your point.
T P wrote:
If Scott McCloud were making the Encyclopedia of Sequential Art, wouldn't we want an entry on every single topic he thought important enough to include?
Not everything in the "Encyclopedia of Sequential Art" belongs in Wikipedia.
Would you mind fleshing that out for me? I've just leafed through a couple special-purpose reference works I have around. I'm not seeing an obvious dividing line between topics. What would you leave out from special-purpose encyclopedias? If possible, I'd like a rule that applies to the Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy just as well as the Encyclopedia of Fashion Accessories.
It's also be great if you could ground your rule in some practical reason why it's bad.