On 2/16/07, Flame Viper flameviper12@yahoo.com wrote:
And the terrible thing about this is that nobody could stop it. Normally, when an edit war breaks out, a sysop is able to descend from the clouds and settle things. When there is an abusive editor, a sysop can rain holy thunder upon him.
They do that whenever they can come up with the slightest excuse, let alone for "abusive editors."
One must consider that part of the problem of our crop of current abusive administrators may be due to burnout and overstress, and your suggestions to expand the admin pool have merit, but the fact remains that many of the administrator tools are way too easy to abuse, and get abused on a regular basis.
Adminship is a big deal, these days. Else so many of them wouldn't be so dead-set on never having any review of their own actions.