On 05/08/07, Marc Riddell michaeldavid86@comcast.net wrote:
on 8/5/07 12:58 PM, Armed Blowfish at diodontida.armata@googlemail.com wrote:
The point is we need to protect the people who are getting seriously hurt, by protecting them the best we know how.
: )
And, one good quote deserves another:
"The world is too terrible a place to live in, not because of the bad things that happen, but because of the good people who stand by and do nothing."
Albert Einstein
Be healthy,
There is some truth in that... although it's really quite complex... one thing leads to another. Although I don't want the 'good people' to feel bad about standing by and doing nothing, I just want them to be enlightened, and subsequently try to help.
Armed Blowfish