On Sun, 8 Oct 2006 20:20:17 +0100, "David Gerard" dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
The new rules at CheckUser demand a code letter. The code letters available *do not* include checking the identity of apparent socks being used to astroturf a POV. I have no problem with requiring credible evidence before asking for CheckUser but it does rather stymie the process of confirming sockpuppetry outside of closed votes.
Wasn't discussed on checkuser-l, but I can fully understand Uninvited going ahead and setting it up that way. If you think as "requests for checkuser" as "requests for magic wiki pixie dust truth serum" you will get a better idea. (And the solution isn't more checkers.)
I don't have any problem bringing along the correct type of shrubbery, but excluding astroturfing socks outside of !votes seems to be shooting ourselves in the foot; if anything, astroturfing a viewpoint in mainspace is *more* damaging to the project than it is in a !vote, especially since in a !vote such actions are usually pretty transparent.
Guy (JzG)