On Thu, 16 Nov 2006 13:45:49 -0600 (CST), "Jeff Raymond" jeff.raymond@internationalhouseofbacon.com wrote:
I've tried to get some movement on this at the fair use talk page. It appears a large amount of people are seeing FUC#1 as a means to an end - we want more free material, and the only way to get it is to delete the fair use stuff whenever possible. Realism doesn't come into play (I know I can't get a free picture of the indie rock chick who's dove out of the public eye to become a mother, but she's alive and I ''could'' get a picture), but rather directing the desires of those who do the image stuff.
Jeff, I have to say I am surprised to see you of all people making this argument. You seem to me to be thoroughly committed to the ideal of free-as-in-speech content, which is precisely what fair use images are *not*.
Guy (JzG)