Pete Bartlett wrote:
The messages yesterday show that most uses of email are unwiki and should be being _discouraged_ not encouraged. The exception to this is blocking, where the blockee needs email as his own user talk page and this mailing list may not sufficient avenues.
Thus the proposal must only apply to admins who block /not/ all admins.
I've been emailed by newbies who weren't aware of the existence of talk pages. This, however, may have also been somewhat mitigated by the fact that I have a special place on my userpage for people to leave comments about me -- newbies have left messages more appropriate for my talk there instead because they don't know exists. Every admin should have a valid email address, IMO. Even if you don't plan to block on a regular (or even irregular) basis, you undoubtedly will have to block at one time or another eventually, and it's better to have a valid email address prepared for that eventuality. I can't see any downside at all to this. If the concern is "unwiki" uses of email, well, I'm not entirely convinced of the efficacy of discouraging admins from having valid email addresses WRT handling this ostensible problem.