In practice any such implementations will lead to elitism. Trolls or no trolls, we look a contributions and not contributors, so everyone should be able to make their say count. A rule that allows only established bridge experts to vote on bridge deletions will be disastrous. The ideal process involves a large part of the community, not a small focused minority who are not statistically representative of the community.
On Thu, 04 May 2006 11:51:48 -0400, Jimmy Wales wrote:
""Wouldn't it be better in this case to say, you know what, we actually have bridge experts, people who know about bridges, and these people ought to be the ones deciding, not random people on AfD.
So how should this work in practice?" --------------------------------- Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2ยข/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.