From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Snow
I'm not suggesting the word-twisting should continue, but this entire discussion seems to have been carried on in ignorance of the fact that there is, in fact, a better alternative for people who choose their online communities based purely on the amount of traffic they get. MySpace currently ranks 13th according to Alexa, still quite a few spots ahead of Wikipedia. I'm not sure that prestigious is the word you're looking for (your average pundit would probably resort to the tried and true "hip"), but whatever it is they've got, it was worth $580 million to Rupert Murdoch.
Aha! Here we have the solution to Wikipedia's funding problems.
Thanks for that, Michael - I'm not "au lait" with the hip sites. In terms of culture, I'm still struggling with the Eighties. Where did it all go wrong?
Peter (Skyring)