Fastfission wrote:
On 2/22/06, Guy Chapman aka JzG wrote:
I don't see a problem with an open and honest request for factual correction. We have always encouraged living people to engage with the community in keeping their biographies factually accurate - just not by actually editing them. Engage on the talk page, go to the Office, whatever. And if they point out an error which can be verified as an error, that's good. And if they dislike the fact that verifiable but unflattering information is in there, maybe they should have thought about that before they did whatever they did :-)
The way to get around NOR problems in this case might be to suggest that we recommend that they create a webpage on their own webspace that says "I have been characterized in X source [wherever Wikipedia is getting the info] as having done Y. This is untrue, in reality I only did Z."
You assume that these people have their own webspace.