"Death Phoenix" wrote
... there will likely come a time when we need him to make a stronger and more official statement on Wikipedia.
These discussions and evolutions are lengthy, for good reasons. We operate by consensus, not by unanimity, for one thing.
For another thing, the 'community' aspects of WP are the face we show ourselves. The face turned towards the outside world - basically the servers, software development and legal aspects - can throw up problems that are much more pressing.
The only reason I can see that the boxen are possibly a 'defining issue', in some people's minds, is that there is always likely to be a defining issue. The way this has come up seems to me to be largely 'contingent'. I'd be surprised if Jimbo thought otherwise, that this was somehow a growing pain that it was necessary for us to experience. It does feel as if after five years the learning curve of how we live together suddenly has become that much steeper. But it is nothing that the external critics have ever raised. Due caution in coming to judgement on it seems entirely understandable.