X-VirusChecked: Checked X-Env-Sender: P.Milne@nls.uk X-Msg-Ref: server-2.tower-57.messagelabs.com!1125069113!83730371!9 X-StarScan-Version: 5.4.15; banners=nls.uk,-,- X-Originating-IP: [] Subject: RE: request for permission to use a screen shot from a digital map to illustrate an article on wikipedia Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 16:00:57 +0100 X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: Thread-Topic: request for permission to use a screen shot from a digital map to illustrate an article on wikipedia Thread-Index: AcWpC3qH23KB4//jTtaSU30zuqHjUgBQhyQg From: "Milne, Peter" P.Milne@nls.uk To: "steve whittet" whittet@adelphia.net
Peter Milne Map Library Services Manager National Library of Scotland 33 Salisbury Place Edinburgh EH9 1SL tel 0131 623 3970 fax 0131 623 3971 e p.milne@nls.uk
Dear Mr Whittet
There will be no problem in granting permission to use this image for a contribution to such an admirable venture as Wikipedia (my opinion). It fulfils all the criteria to be classed as non-profit and educational. Can you give me the title or subject of the article and I will send a formal letter giving permission as a Word attachment.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Pete Milne
-----Original Message----- From: steve whittet [mailto:whittet@adelphia.net] Sent: 25 August 2005 01:21 To: Map Library Subject: request for permission to use a screen shot from a digital map to illustrate an article on wikipedia
Hi, I would like to use a screen shot of the scale on a map entitled Milaria Scotia Regum - 1595 which you have on your website for a wikipedia article http://www.nls.uk/digitallibrary/map/early/scotland.cfm?id=130# your copyright for this page says
Copyright Screen prints may be made of these maps for non-commercial educational and private purposes. Written permission must be obtained in advance to reproduce any digital material from the Library's collections, whether in hard copy or electronic forms. http://www.nls.uk/collections/maps/services/reprographics/permission.html
I'm unclear as to whether a screen capture for wikipedia meets your definition of non-commercial - educational and is permitted without filling out the form or whether you require the form because you would consider putting it on a page online a digital reproduction?
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