On 5/19/05, David Gerard fun@thingy.apana.org.au wrote:
Skyring (skyring@gmail.com) [050519 06:22]:
On 5/19/05, David Gerard fun@thingy.apana.org.au wrote:
You could do that from the web archive. Is there any reason you can think of to allow you to continue to trash-talk other editors on this list for "fun" rather than work on sorting out your problems with them just as if you're trying to write an encyclopedia?
Thanks. I might ask the same of yourself. You don't seem to have looked at the efforts I've repeatedly made. What value are you adding here beyond amusing yourself yet again?
As a list admin, suggesting you cut with the trash-talking and personal attacks. HTH!
Cripes. I can't win here. I complain of a serial abuser and get accused of doing the same thing by a bored admin. Are you saying I should just cop it sweet?
I might make the occasional smart-arse comment and be a bit of a nit-picker on things I know about, but I don't deserve continued harassment and what looks to me like a thinly disguised death threat from an editor who should know better. I got told months ago that "he's like that to everyone", and while that was a comfort to me personally, I have to wonder about what sort of environment we are supporting here.
I really don't mind if people have opposing opinions to mine and express them forcefully. More power to their strong right arm, I say. Eventually the facts emerge and we come to a consensus. And often I learn something along the way. Heaven forbid I should regard myself as incapable of error!
But I don't hold with being bullied and threatened. Look, David, I know I might be a pain in the bum now and then, but can you see how it looks from where I'm standing?