On 5/6/05, David Gerard fun@thingy.apana.org.au wrote:
Sean Barrett (sean@epoptic.org) [050507 07:27]:
Frankly, an unthinking no-tolerance policy that material in, frex, sci.space.moderated is somehow untouchable is a stupid policy, and I for one will be bold and continue to ignore it.
Indeed. For example, it is *impossible* to tell the story of [[Scientology]] over the last decade without reference to Usenet. The CoS has made groups.google.com unreliable, but the relevant posts put on the Web are frequently (and properly) used as Wikipedia sources.
David, you're a member of the arbcom, and so the issue of what you regard as policy concerning references is important. Please show me where our policy states or implies that Usenet might be properly used as a Wikipedia source. Or are you agreeing with Sean that policy ought to be ignored? (I'm not trying to be needlessly confrontational here, by the way, or trying to put you on the spot; it's just that the issue of citation of credible sources is an important one for me.)