On 11 Sep 2004, at 00:47, wikien-l-request@Wikipedia.org wrote:
Message: 7 Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 14:41:49 -0700 (PDT) From: Daniel Mayer maveric149@yahoo.com
http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikien-l/2004-September/ 030521.html
But this does nothing to address the criticism that our content is not vetted by experts. I agree that appeal to authority is largely a logical fallacy, but it nonetheless is followed like a religion by a great many people (who then blindly trust what the experts say). If we want to have them read our content, then we will have to give them that bit of comfort.
-- mav
No. We. Don't.
Let me put it like this:
"But having an elected parliament and president does nothing to address the criticism that our laws are not vetted by dukes and kings. Appeal to authority may be flawed, but it's nonetheless followed by a great many people. If we want them to abide our laws, then we will have to give them that bit of comfort."
-- Jens [[User:Ropers|Ropers]] www.ropersonline.com