I have placed [[Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse (no pictures)]] on VfD because this it sets a very bad precedent. There is absolutely no way of keeping the articles in sync properly (not everyone who edits will be willing to edit two pages, especially if there Internet connection is slow or Wikipedia is running slowly).
I think people are going to have to come to a better solution than this, or the software will need some modification (for instance, flagging images as potentially offensive and giving users a setting to see/not see these images).
I really hope that other articles won't take up this, for instance [[clitoris]] might decide to fork over disputes over the image of a women's vagina on the page (I personally think that these people need to just get over it, but I'm not everyone). My concern, however, is how to keep the articles in sync once they have been duplicated.
Further: it's a slipperyly slope when we start allowing dupes: we have a similar situation where we had [[Zionist revisionism]] and [[Israeli-Palestinian history denial]]. Two seperate articles, yet both talking about very similar things. Perhaps not quite the same, but you can see how messy things get when we allow duplication of articles!
Ta bu shi da yu