fabiform wrote:
--- Timwi timwi@gmx.net wrote:
The idea itself is pretty good, but the page already demonstrates that it doesn't really work because almost everybody is going to try to be special and either distort their image beyond recognition (e.g. LordSuryaofShropshire) or use something that barely even depicts their self (e.g. Anthère). To a non-Wikipedian, this kind of thing reinforces the belief that Wikipedia is run/controlled by a bunch of weirdos.
I think that the facebook illustrates [...] that a bunch of disparate and widely separated (geographically and culturally) people can come together to do something amazing.
Well, some of the articles already illustrate that. :-)
I would have to say that the fact that Anthere has chosen a shot of herself wearing a cheche [...] probably tells you more about her than if it had been a plain photo
OK, in that case I'll upload a picture of a Golden Eagle playing the piano, and that'll tell you worlds more about me than a photo of myself.