Good morning! I am a degreed journalist with three decades of experience. I have minors in math, poly sci, English and general science. In addition I have an extensive back ground in the Christian religion, have taking technical courses, courses in fire fighting and police science and for eight years took classes (without credit) in agriculture and land/water management. I can read well out loud but have trouble absorbing, however; anything I have ever been told that I felt was significant, I can recall -- that includes numbers, laws, reasons etc. I was rendered disabled by a medical doctor and now have extra time on my hands. I love to write, am working on a book, become inspired to write a poem every year or so and would like to be a regular contributor to your fine project. I am a genealogist and have side of my family traced back to 1726. My aim is the truth and perfection so I welcome those who would edit my work for that improves me. It is my belief that one should be either learning or teaching most of one's life in order to make it worthwhile. Could I be of help in your operation? Sincerely,
Tim R. Matas 104 S. Buckeye Abilene, an. 67410 785-263-0415 Evenings are the best time to call