Nice. Nicely coded personal attack. Nice way to avoid the issue by attempting to belittle those you disagree with. Nice attempt to avoid reasoned discussion.
Sorry it didn't work.
Sean Barrett wrote: stated for the record:
I got enough of an encouraging reception on this list to have started a discussion about it at
There does seem to be support for renaming VfD and rewriting the VfD page notice, so I want to concentrate on that part of my proposal.
And my campaign slogan for the change is: as we currently present VfD, some newbies are feeling _bitten_ when they should really only feel _barked at._
How 'bout "Campaigns to Obliterate Inadequate Articles and Humiliate Their Worthless Authors"? We're dealing, after all, with a Very Serious Issue[tm]. The presence of a less-than-perfect article threatens to rend the very fabric of the space-time continuum, to say nothing of utterly annihilating Wikipedia as we know it....
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