Fred Bauder wrote:
I have edited Booksources and put a functioning link in that searchs ABE for ISBN. It links to advanced search page and is also functional for searching for books without ISBNs. However the ISBN link does not reach the edited page unless it has a valid ISBN. Please consider allowing access to the page using some link like ISBN n/a
[[Special:Booksources]] should do it.
Hmm, for some reason this doesn't display the custom text unless an ISBN has been given. Erik?
Most of the URLs on [[Wikipedia:Book sources]] stop working properly if they do not get passed the MAGICNUMBER variable. Therefore the [[Wikipedia: Book sources]] text is only displayed when an ISBN number is passed, otherwise the hardcoded text is used. An alternative would be an additional dynamically fetched page like [[Wikipedia:Book links]] for linking to booksellers without specifying an ISBN. My preference would be to hide the special page from the list of special pages, since I do not see why a static list should be handled in the form of a special page at all (and why it should deserve exposure in our list of special pages); [[Wikipedia:Book links]] could be created by anyone so inclined without it being dynamically fetched.