Ed Poor wrote:
Jimbo already refused, leaving no one.
Who vetoed Axel, Lee or Magnus? (And I forgot to mention April).
Cunc vetoed everybody except Jimbo.
Since the vetoing was in response to my suggestion to allow only uncontroversial people as moderators, so that one veto is enough -- but not counting a veto of everybody -- I'll say that vetoing everybody except Jimbo (as a matter of personal policy) can also be an exception. So I'd keep Axel, Lee, Magnus, and April on the table (as far as avoiding controversial figures like Larry is concerned), unless Cunc (or somebody else) says that any of these people is *particularly* objectionable to them.
That said, however, Cunc is still a valid voice on the side that says (in essence) that we shouldn't have any moderation -- a side that also includes me, Matthew Woodcraft, and Jimbo himself (to varying degrees of strength -- Jimbo won't fight it if the rest want it, Cunc would accept moderation by Jimbo, and I think so would I). Whether we should moderate, and who should moderate, are separate issues, but the latter does become moot if the former is decided negatively.
-- Toby