Hey all and everyone ...
Turns out there's a little gathering of some 2010 Summer folk that's going to happen in early October here in San Francisco. Yours truly (who lives here), Mike Godwin (who lives here), Kathy Blackbird (from Austin), Craig Hurwitz (from Chicago), Jayne Noble (from Dallas), and Matt Kozusko (from Philadelphia) are all planning a weekend of (certainly) fun in the City (that's SF for those of you live in other "The City"s), (hopefully) sun in the Bay Area (should be our Indian Summer), (possibly) opera (Marriage of Figaro), (most likely) shenanigans (undoubtedly drunken blank verse), and general conviviality. If you are going to be, or can be, in or near San Francisco on October 9, 10, 11 (when I'll most likely have a bbq here in Oakland), you are begged to let me know so we can include you in our festive pleasures.
So consider yourself invited, and let me know if we will see you, and I'll pass on more details as they evolve.
Yours now and always,