I have set the 'mod' flag on the email address anticapi@hotmail.com. This means that any further posts by that email address will have to be approved by a moderator. That's ed.poor@att.net, dairiki+wpadmin@dairiki.org, and me.
I don't really care what the other two do -- as always, I trust them to use their best judgment -- but as for me, I intend to just summarily delete anything further from this person unless there's a remarkable change in tone.
I also fully support sysops who ban/revert as necessary to deal with this.
Anticapitalist, if you really want to discuss these issues further, you may email me personally at jwales@bomis.com, and we can have a civil discussion about it. Your current behavior is completely unacceptable. And this has nothing at all do with your political positions, and everything to do with your violation of community standards.