-----Original Message----- From: Charlotte Webb [mailto:charlottethewebb@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, June 1, 2007 11:11 AM To: 'English Wikipedia' Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Is Conservapedia an attack site?
On 6/1/07, Fred Bauder fredbaud@waterwiki.info wrote:
In other words, you think it's a black operation, not just dumb. I don't.
So do you think the people contributing to this site generally believe the things they write?
Yes, although that does not rule out leftist trolls. Some of the "conservatives" on Wikipedia have seemed to be doing that, unless conservatism is a symptom of developmental disability.
Honestly, Conservapedia is one step removed from http://www.wikiality.com/Main_Page on most subjects with the tone of writing, but that's their bag. For the strident attack sites definition, technically Conservapedia does indeed count--it links to and facilitates the 'attacks'. In practice, it's probably not.
Regards, Joe http://www.joeszilagyi.com
On 01/06/07, Fred Bauder fredbaud@waterwiki.info wrote:
From: Charlotte Webb [mailto:charlottethewebb@gmail.com]
So do you think the people contributing to this site generally believe the things they write?
Yes, although that does not rule out leftist trolls. Some of the "conservatives" on Wikipedia have seemed to be doing that, unless conservatism is a symptom of developmental disability.
As one blog noted during Conservapedia's 15 minutes as web amusement of the moment, "It Is Impossible To Distinguish A Creationist From A Parody Of A Creationist":
- d.