Fuzheado wrote:
All this talk of deliberately wrong edits has apparently inspired a misguided person, one [[User:AlHalawi]], to do it.
FYI, this is the experiment, and the 100% grade RC patrol folks attained.
And a longer post by Ross Mayfield about this:
In the Many2Many blog, one correspondent writes "Reading the posts you'd think it was a war, when in fact EVERYONE's supporting the Wikipedia except this rather insignificant journalist."
Congrats to our editors for meeting a challenge few even knew existed. I think we ought to be careful, though, not to let our agenda be set by morons. The writer who set this off, just as in the instance a few weeks ago where we were criticised on someone else's site, did so with no intention of being anything other than confrontational. At the same time, we rose to the two-bit bait as if we'd been attacked by a senior editor of the New York Times. I'm thinking we ought to relax a bit. We know what we have as a product, and we know there is an endless supply of morons.