On the German Wikipedia, I've noticed they've got a nifty trick with templates whereby you can include a button to hide an infobox, in the same way as you can hide a contents box. See an example down at the bottom of this page:
I don't know of any templates to do the same thing on en:, and when I tried to replicate the code on the German templates it didn't work. Does anyone know how one might get something similar working on en:?
That is nifty! It seems to be a relatively straigtforward change to monobook.js, and then use a version of the http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorlage:Navigationsleiste_ohne_Bild (that might lead to some heavy transclusion though).
PS. I'm crap at these things really, so please someone else comment :P
On 9/22/05, Worldtraveller wikipedia@world-traveller.org wrote:
On the German Wikipedia, I've noticed they've got a nifty trick with templates whereby you can include a button to hide an infobox, in the same way as you can hide a contents box. See an example down at the bottom of this page:
I don't know of any templates to do the same thing on en:, and when I tried to replicate the code on the German templates it didn't work. Does anyone know how one might get something similar working on en:?
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Oskar Sigvardsson wrote:
On 9/22/05, Worldtraveller wikipedia@world-traveller.org wrote:
On the German Wikipedia, I've noticed they've got a nifty trick with templates whereby you can include a button to hide an infobox, in the same way as you can hide a contents box. See an example down at the bottom of this page:
I don't know of any templates to do the same thing on en:, and when I tried to replicate the code on the German templates it didn't work. Does anyone know how one might get something similar working on en:?
That is nifty! It seems to be a relatively straigtforward change to monobook.js, and then use a version of the http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorlage:Navigationsleiste_ohne_Bild (that might lead to some heavy transclusion though).
The code is located at the end of http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Monobook.js - look for the section titled "BEGIN Dynamic Navigation Bars" :)
PS. I'm crap at these things really, so please someone else comment :P
It would be trivial to copy the code across to en:, the same as the Featured Article Star code was copied around... :)
That's really cool. Is there any reason we shouldn't be bold and implement it?
On 9/22/05, Oskar Sigvardsson oskarsigvardsson@gmail.com wrote:
That is nifty! It seems to be a relatively straigtforward change to monobook.js, and then use a version of the http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorlage:Navigationsleiste_ohne_Bild (that might lead to some heavy transclusion though).
PS. I'm crap at these things really, so please someone else comment :P
On 9/22/05, Worldtraveller wikipedia@world-traveller.org wrote:
On the German Wikipedia, I've noticed they've got a nifty trick with templates whereby you can include a button to hide an infobox, in the same way as you can hide a contents box. See an example down at the bottom of this page:
I don't know of any templates to do the same thing on en:, and when I tried to replicate the code on the German templates it didn't work. Does anyone know how one might get something similar working on en:?
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WikiEN-l mailing list WikiEN-l@Wikipedia.org To unsubscribe from this mailing list, visit: http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikien-l
It would be good to make sure it works on all major browsers, first, or at least fails gracefully/unnoticeably. Though I certainly support a Wikipedia which doesn't dumb down to the lowest common technological denominator on its default skin, I think it's important to remember that many of our users (esp. those at schools and libraries) may not be using very new technology (and there's no reason to construct a technological/economic hurdle). This of course applies in general, not just this to instance.
(I'm aware they could change the skin settings, but for the *default* skin, I think this sort of thing needs to be taken into consideration explicitly with all "neat tricks")
On 9/22/05, Phroziac phroziac@gmail.com wrote:
That's really cool. Is there any reason we shouldn't be bold and implement it?
On 9/22/05, Oskar Sigvardsson oskarsigvardsson@gmail.com wrote:
That is nifty! It seems to be a relatively straigtforward change to monobook.js, and then use a version of the http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorlage:Navigationsleiste_ohne_Bild (that might lead to some heavy transclusion though).
PS. I'm crap at these things really, so please someone else comment :P
On 9/22/05, Worldtraveller wikipedia@world-traveller.org wrote:
On the German Wikipedia, I've noticed they've got a nifty trick with templates whereby you can include a button to hide an infobox, in the same way as you can hide a contents box. See an example down at the bottom of this page:
I don't know of any templates to do the same thing on en:, and when I tried to replicate the code on the German templates it didn't work. Does anyone know how one might get something similar working on en:?
WikiEN-l mailing list WikiEN-l@Wikipedia.org To unsubscribe from this mailing list, visit: http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikien-l
WikiEN-l mailing list WikiEN-l@Wikipedia.org To unsubscribe from this mailing list, visit: http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikien-l
WikiEN-l mailing list WikiEN-l@Wikipedia.org To unsubscribe from this mailing list, visit: http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikien-l
Agreed, let's double check all that before continuuing. By the way, it wasn't lupins popups -- I cannot get this to work when I am logged in!
On 9/23/05, Fastfission fastfission@gmail.com wrote:
It would be good to make sure it works on all major browsers, first, or at least fails gracefully/unnoticeably. Though I certainly support a Wikipedia which doesn't dumb down to the lowest common technological denominator on its default skin, I think it's important to remember that many of our users (esp. those at schools and libraries) may not be using very new technology (and there's no reason to construct a technological/economic hurdle). This of course applies in general, not just this to instance.
(I'm aware they could change the skin settings, but for the *default* skin, I think this sort of thing needs to be taken into consideration explicitly with all "neat tricks")
On 9/22/05, Phroziac phroziac@gmail.com wrote:
That's really cool. Is there any reason we shouldn't be bold and implement it?
On 9/22/05, Oskar Sigvardsson oskarsigvardsson@gmail.com wrote:
That is nifty! It seems to be a relatively straigtforward change to monobook.js, and then use a version of the http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorlage:Navigationsleiste_ohne_Bild (that might lead to some heavy transclusion though).
PS. I'm crap at these things really, so please someone else comment :P
On 9/22/05, Worldtraveller wikipedia@world-traveller.org wrote:
On the German Wikipedia, I've noticed they've got a nifty trick with templates whereby you can include a button to hide an infobox, in the same way as you can hide a contents box. See an example down at the bottom of this page:
I don't know of any templates to do the same thing on en:, and when I tried to replicate the code on the German templates it didn't work. Does anyone know how one might get something similar working on en:?
WikiEN-l mailing list WikiEN-l@Wikipedia.org To unsubscribe from this mailing list, visit: http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikien-l
WikiEN-l mailing list WikiEN-l@Wikipedia.org To unsubscribe from this mailing list, visit: http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikien-l
WikiEN-l mailing list WikiEN-l@Wikipedia.org To unsubscribe from this mailing list, visit: http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikien-l
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I decided to be bold, copied across the relevant code from Monobook.js and style definitions from Monobook.css, and created Template:Dynamic navigation box, but it seems not to work. I don't know any javascript so it's possible I've ballsed everything up. Any JS experts care to cast an eye on this?
-----Original Message----- From: Phroziac [mailto:phroziac@gmail.com] Sent: 22 September 2005 2:56 PM To: Oskar Sigvardsson; English Wikipedia Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Funky tricks on de
That's really cool. Is there any reason we shouldn't be bold and implement it?
On 9/22/05, Oskar Sigvardsson oskarsigvardsson@gmail.com wrote:
That is nifty! It seems to be a relatively straigtforward change to monobook.js, and then use a version of the http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorlage:Navigationsleiste_ohne_Bild (that might lead to some heavy transclusion though).
On the global .css and .js, or just yours? And, did you hard refresh a few times? Also, there is a common .css file, and probably a .js too, that's shared by all skins. this should go there, instead of in an individual skin. (for the glodbal)
On 9/22/05, Worldtraveller wikipedia@world-traveller.org wrote:
I decided to be bold, copied across the relevant code from Monobook.js and style definitions from Monobook.css, and created Template:Dynamic navigation box, but it seems not to work. I don't know any javascript so it's possible I've ballsed everything up. Any JS experts care to cast an eye on this?
-----Original Message----- From: Phroziac [mailto:phroziac@gmail.com] Sent: 22 September 2005 2:56 PM To: Oskar Sigvardsson; English Wikipedia Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Funky tricks on de
That's really cool. Is there any reason we shouldn't be bold and implement it?
On 9/22/05, Oskar Sigvardsson oskarsigvardsson@gmail.com wrote:
That is nifty! It seems to be a relatively straigtforward change to monobook.js, and then use a version of the http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorlage:Navigationsleiste_ohne_Bild (that might lead to some heavy transclusion though).
WikiEN-l mailing list WikiEN-l@Wikipedia.org To unsubscribe from this mailing list, visit: http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikien-l