A little draconian, anyone? This goes_way_too far, IMO.
1. Any non-rookie, engaged in an edit war, can simply freeze out any rookie/anon in an edit war by making 5 quick edits.
2. We don't know how many of our articles would fall under "frequently edited".
3. This is offputting to newbies, and we need_more_of them, not fewer--without growth, our vitality is gone.
4. The "reveal your real ID" provision is extremely onerous.
5. Facilitates the irritation of ANY unpopular user, and increases the odds of factionalization and etc.
6. Is generally unwikilike.
TINC my ass.
=== PART ONE ===
==== Definitions ====
Rookie : A logged in user who has fewer than 10 editing days. An "editing day" is a calendar day when the user makes one or more edits.
Frequently Edited Article : An article in the main encyclopedia namespace that has been edited more than 5 times in the last 48 hours.
==== Policy ====
On the English Wikipedia, neither Rookies nor IP users are permitted to edit Frequently Edited Articles.
=== PART TWO ===
To aid in enforcement of hard bans, Wikipedians may list any user on [[Wikipedia:Petitions for users of concern]], thus starting a petition. Criteria for listing a user are: controversial edits and a belief that the user may have been banned previously. These are subjective criteria and Wikipedians are to use their best judgment. When there are eight or more Wikipedians in support of the petition (regardless of how many may be opposed), the user must demonstrate their real-world identity to the Wikipedia Bureaucracy within 10 days; if they do not do so, their editing privileges are suspended until they do.
The Wikipedia Bureaucracy will validate identities using sensible but effective methods, such as requiring a $1 donation via paypal or personal check, or returning a form sent to the user's postal address. The identity check will be used to determine whether the user is previously banned, and will be used to enforce a future ban if one should become necessary. Otherwise, it will remain confidential.
To discourage misuse, we may want to exempt Wikipedians who have been editing for, say, more than six months from the process.
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