Just a brief call for help on maintaining [[WP:Press]]. It's very easy. Here's the procedure:
1. Go to http://news.google.com 2. Search for Wikipedia 3. Setup an alert for new articles on Wikipedia via email 4. When an Google alerts you, put it onto the [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia as a press source]] page (next year, can someone change the redirection to [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia as a press source 2006]]?) - please link to the article in question! If it is an article that references information in a Wikipedia article, or to [[Wikipedia:Press coverage]] if it is an article ABOUT Wikipedia. There are some other categories, but I'm sure everyone gets the jist. 5. If the article is due to us being a press source, go to the article talk page and:
a. if an author is provided, use [[Template:authoronlinesource2005]]. An example is: {{{{authoronlinesource2005|section=March 21-31 | author=Dan Ackman | date=March 21, 2005 | title=John DeLorean, Car Man Of The Future | org=Forbes | url=http://www.forbes.com/business/manufacturing/2005/03/21/cx_da_0321topnews.ht... (this is on [[John DeLorean]]).
b. if no author is provided, use [[Template:onlinesource2005]]. An example is:
{{onlinesource2005|section=February 1-10 |title=Veritas Lux Mea. |org=The Feature |date=February 9, 2005 |url=http://www.thefeature.com/user/fadereu/journalentry?id=1335&ref=-1%7D%7D
(this is on [[Mass media]]).
Oh, the reason I ask is 'cause I just noticed that noone has updated it for a while (the anon is me - I couldn't help myself), and I figured this would be as good a place as any to ask for someone to take this over from myself.