Two recent posts to this list have complained about other contributors, including even some name-calling.
Surely we are all mature adults here, and can discuss issues of how to write good articles -- without such comments as:
* stuffy, toffee-nosed, Upper Class, British * responded with ad homenin comments to me on this list * made an unfortunate comment on my user page
Please allow me suggest that we all confine our remarks to discussion of the articles themselves, and to specific additions or deletions to them. And leave personalities out of it.
The reason for this is that when you depart from the articles and veer into discussing the writers, a lot of them "take it personally" and feel "attacked". Then they start defending themeselves or even counter-attacking, and we lose the focus of the thread: which should be on how we can improve this encyclopedia.
Ed Poor Not the Moderator, but... The English Mailing List Administrator