In my last e-mail I expressed dismay that 168 had blanked Erik's pages. I was mistaken. Someone has explained to me that 168 had blanked his own pages; another explained to me that 168 has left the project. I apologize to 168 and to the list for my mistake. Of course 168 has a perfect right to blank his/her pages, and even to leave. I stand by the spirit of my posting -- there is something profoundly wrong when things reach the state of a multiple revert war, and people have to find some way to work together -- not that anyone should be banned, or should leave the project. I am sorry 168 has left, because s/he has made important contributions, and I hope 168 comes back and is able to work well with others once again to produce good articles.
Steven L. Rubenstein Associate Professor Department of Sociology and Anthropology Bentley Annex Ohio University Athens, Ohio 45701
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