-----Original Message----- From: Parker Peters [mailto:parkerpeters1002@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 01:22 PM To: 'English Wikipedia' Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] How to stop Encyclopedia Dramatica from making attack articles on us
On 1/24/07, . aroquk@juno.com wrote:
As you know, Encyclopedia Dramatica has attack articles on many Wikipedians. Well, they changed hosts so maybe their new host will care more about abuse reports.
They used to be hosted by DreamHost who was unhelpful about abuse complaints. Dreamhost now only their DNS now.
Their server IPs are: encyclopediadramatica.net pr0n.encyclopediadramatica.com
A whois lookup on these shows they comes from colo4dallas.com and a traceroute finds cogentco.com as the next closest hop. This means the email addresses to report abuse to are now: abuse@colo4dallas.com, support@colo4dallas.com, abuse@cogentco.com
If we get enough reports in, they may shut down their site.
Attempting to set up an organized attack, especially by filing what may arguably false reports, isn't going to help anyone's cause.
In fact, it could leave Wikipedia open to some legal troubles.
Besides that, it is wrong. Best just to leave them alone.