Writing for Wikipedia
To the Editor:
Re "Anonymous Source Is Not the Same as Open Source" (Digital Domain, March 12), in which Randall Stross said the online encyclopedia Wikipedia suffered from credibility issues:
Having perused and occasionally contributed to articles in Wikipedia in my field of expertise — Hispanic languages, literature and culture — what has impressed me has been the general accuracy of the material presented, as well as the obvious conscientiousness of a number of the contributors. Rather than simply criticize Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, one should applaud his welcome to all who are willing to accept the principle of objectivity in their contributions, regardless of credentials.
In my professional life, I have seen respected journals with a good deal less sense of responsibility, particularly when it comes to contributors with imposing credentials. Obviously, Wikipedia does have a problem with respect to "vandalism": for example, the clown who inserted "Yo quiero Taco Bell" in the article dealing with the Spanish philosopher and novelist Miguel de Unamuno, but for the most part such things are easy to spot and correct. Albert Soletsky
Teaneck, N.J., March 12
The writer is an associate professor of languages at Fairleigh Dickinson University.