On 22 Apr 2007 at 16:33:50 -0400, "Jeff Raymond" jeff.raymond@internationalhouseofbacon.com wrote:
An entire biographical article on Michael Richards balanced too far on the n-word incident, or the Alec Baldwin thing from this week, yeah, there's an issue. What about the astronaut who went cross country in an alleged attempt to murder her jilted lover? Guess what - her biography's going to be based on that one incident, no matter what the eventual outcome. This isn't a bad thing, either - it's simply reality.
And those examples are actually ones that are more favorably disposed towards having relatively balanced bios, given that they (Richards, Baldwin, and whatzhername the astronaut) actually did have bios before their respective incidents due to their general notability in their professions. People who were completely unknown until an incident erupts around them have even less shot at balance, and it would make more sense to title the article after the incident rather than the person (assuming the incident is notable enough for an article at all).