Tim Starling wrote:
Michael Snow wrote:
Tim Starling wrote:
Michael Snow wrote:
Bryan Derksen wrote:
My secret dream is to see the United States Congress hauled up before the Arbitration Committee. Maybe we could get them to pass clearer fair-use legislation as part of their parole.
Clearer fair use legislation is not likely to do us any good. What we want is *more generous* fair use legislation.
US fair use legislation is already among the most generous in the world. Coupled with US-centric Wikipedia policy, this has the effect that anyone attempting to distribute Wikipedia offline outside the US risks being sued for copyright infringment. I'd prefer it if US fair use legislation was brought into line with the rest of the world, i.e. made more restrictive not less.
You mean this seriously? You'd rather make fair use in the US more restrictive than make fair use/dealing/practice/whatever in other countries less restrictive?
We were talking about what we'd like the Congress to do, not WIPO. Come to think of it, there's a step Congress could take towards harmonization that would be more useful for us: to reduce the term of copyright to the Berne Convention minimum of life + 50 years.
Indeed, that I could go for, even if it isn't hardly enough. We could really do without Sonny Bono's legacy.
--Michael Snow