On 21 Aug 2006 at 22:39, "Alphax (Wikipedia email)" alphasigmax@gmail.com wrote:
Steve Bennett wrote:
When your friend says "hey I asked around and everyone wants to go bowling", do you say "what do you mean, 'everyone'? Did you get at least 75%?" No, you accept that they're not out to screw you over, and a good result will be achieved...
... except that sometimes, you need to put your foot down and say "There is no way that we're going bowling; you guys /always/ suggest we go bowling, and it's a dumb idea, because we always end up complaining how boring and stupid it is. We're going ice skating" and everyone realises "Oh yeah, you're right, how stupid of us" and you end up going ice skating, which is a far better idea than going bowling.
Relevantly, you should see the [[Abilene paradox]]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abilene_paradox