Has anybody thought about automatically formatting articles with latex? I wrote a small script that uses the Special:Export method do download an article. This is then converted into latex format and processed into a pdf. I was quite happy with the result, although the script was just a quick stab. Here's an example: http://beam.acclab.helsinki.fi/~jvierine/Niels_Henrik_Abel.pdf
Are there any plans to add a "download pdf version of article" feature into mediawiki? It seems that it wouldn't be that difficult to implement.
Is there a way to get articles in an even more structural format that with Special:Export? This would make the parsing less error-prone (now I sometimes get strange errors). I read something about mediawiki DTD in the meta-wiki, but the article didn't say if somebody was working on it.
Juha wrote:
Has anybody thought about automatically formatting articles with latex?
See my script at http://wiki.auf-trag.de/
I wrote a small script that uses the Special:Export method do download an article. This is then converted into latex format and processed into a pdf. I was quite happy with the result, although the script was just a quick stab. Here's an example: http://beam.acclab.helsinki.fi/~jvierine/Niels_Henrik_Abel.pdf
Not bad, my script doesn't support images ;-)
Maybe we can join forces ...
Especially tables are horrible to deal with, and then there's BiDi text... lots of things you have to take care of (if you want it to work not only for english texts).
Is there a way to get articles in an even more structural format that with Special:Export?
Currently not, but real XML export would sure be nice to have.
Regards, Stephan