Brave German Tor exit node operator arrested.
His blog entry:
'I was arrested. They scared my wife. They consfiscated all my equippment. They stopped the investigation. I'm sitting on a pile of bills from my lawyer no one except me has to pay. I'll sue for compensation, but I don't think that this will lead anywhere. I'm now accused of something else. Horray! Bloody hell. I still love my country, but it's bitching around.'
It's also on Cnet:
On 9/27/07, Armed Blowfish wrote:
Brave German Tor exit node operator arrested.
I have sympathy for the guy because the police had trouble understanding his explanation, but really, he put himself in that situation by allowing random people to send bomb threats through his computer.
Stephen Bain wrote:
On 9/27/07, Armed Blowfish wrote:
Brave German Tor exit node operator arrested.
I have sympathy for the guy because the police had trouble understanding his explanation, but really, he put himself in that situation by allowing random people to send bomb threats through his computer.
I really don't think he "put himself in that situation", any more than the ISP of the person sending the bomb threat did. He's simply offering pass-through service, the same as the many intermediate steps this message will travel through before it reaches you. If I were posting a bomb threat, that would be my fault, not the operators of this mailing list, my ISP, the backbone providers, and so on. It would be impossible for a human to monitor and approve such a volume of traffic even if they wished to.
On 9/27/07, Todd Allen wrote:
I really don't think he "put himself in that situation", any more than the ISP of the person sending the bomb threat did. He's simply offering pass-through service, the same as the many intermediate steps this message will travel through before it reaches you.
It's not simply forwarding or transmitting things though. It's taking them out of their envelopes and putting them in new envelopes with your address on the back.
On 27/09/2007, Armed Blowfish wrote:
Brave German Tor exit node operator arrested. "This mailing list is for discussing issues relating particularly to the English language Wikipedia."
Please take discussions of this sort to a mailing list where it is on-topic.
On 28/09/2007, Earle Martin wrote:
Please take discussions of this sort to a mailing list where it is on-topic.
Apologies - I've now seen the thread about AB being put on moderation. In future I'll queue posts for batch replying after having checked out newer threads. Thank you to the moderators.