"The two most plentiful elements in the Universe are bad Uncyclopedia articles and hydrogen, and I'm not sure about the ... hydrogen. Hold on, I'll try that one again." - Albert Einstein on an off day
The Stupid Bomb uses only the second-finest-grade stupid in the world, capable of penetrating five light-years of lead. (The ''finest'' grade stupid in the world would penetrate the bomb's neutronium shielding and affect the guidance system.)
==Generating stupidity==
[do adapted zombie botnet image, write based on this]
-- Images --
bomb diagram: (based on real smart bomb) control system behind neutronium shield, sharpened cluelessness tip, clue anti-pheromone coating for easy atmospheric transport
gw bush: Various traitorous liberal homosexual paedophiles have alleged that a Stupid Bomb was accidentally set off near the White House in early 2001. Other groups have alleged it was deliberate.
e-meter: The €-meter is used by the Church of Objectivism to remove ''money thetans'' from the subject's wallet. The meter measures variations in clue resistance.
image of interconnected boxes: slashdot, wikipedia, wikipediareview, what else ... take from the Zombie Botnet image - How stupidity is generated and captured.