I've been asked to be a mediator, by Jack Lynch (seconded by Danny)
re: RK.
First, what exactly you are mediating? "Re. RK" is a rather broad concept; moreover, mediation implies two parties.
Not exactly sure. I'm getting a general sense that they "don't like him". If it doesn't get any more specific than that, this could turn into a non-starter.
I invite those who know me well (and who have earned my trust) to contact me privately /immediately upon/ seeing any signs of bias on my part
may tend to sabotage the mediation.
Second, aren't mediations handled more or less confidentially? Or do you plan to debate things on a public page or mailinglist?
Oh, not to mention: "signs of obvious incompetence". I guess we won't be mediating on wikien-l.
P.S. Gosh, I wear a lot of hats!
Well I hope for your sake that this one doesn't turn out to be a crown
of thorns!
Interested metaphor, there was a Jewish man once, a fella from Galilee (or was it Nazareth?) ...