Please Help Rebuild Iraqi University Libraries
We need your help. Iraqi university libraries are in desperate need of books, including those in your discipline. Please read on to find out how you can help with Books Beyond Borders, an Al Sharaka activity.
The Al Sharaka Program for Higher Education in Iraq is a unique consortium of Iraqi and Oklahoma universities dedicated to the rebuilding of Iraq higher education. Based at the University of Oklahoma, we are funded by a USAID grant. Al Sharaka partners are:
Oklahoma Higher Education Partners (OHEP): Iraq University Partners (IUP):
University of Oklahoma University of Salahaddin
Oklahoma State University University of Babylon
Langston University University of Technology - Baghdad
Cameron University Al-Anbar University
Basra University
One of our Al Sharaka goals is to assist in the collection restoration of our partnering Iraqi university libraries which are severely depleted and outdated due to two decades of sanctions, regime rule, active conflict, and looting.
We are emailing your organization to ask for a book donation. We'd like you to send us the one new book you feel is very important in your field. Which book should any university library have that represents your discipline?
Alternately, you may have a few "gently used" books that you would like to pass on to us. We can only accept books dated 1996 or later and, at this time, already have electronic journal resources lined up for the Iraq libraries. Certainly some books, for instance literature or philosophy, may be "timeless classics" and an appropriate donation. But please help us comply with strict USAID donation guidelines and send only those books that would update the Iraqi library collections.
Other guidelines for donating:
* Books, textbooks, instructor's manuals, reference books, and instructional CDs
* Books appropriate for undergraduate and graduate level students
* English is the language of instruction in Iraq
How to Donate:
* After gathering together your donation, please visit the following website to print the Books Beyond Borders Donation Form: u/W/Erin.A.Weathers-1/Docs/Donation.doc
* Complete the donation form and slip it inside the front cover of your donation (one form per entire donation, please).
* Mail your donation (media rate will be the least expensive) to:
Al Sharaka
Attn: Erin Taylor Weathers
1700 Asp Avenue. Box 37
University of Oklahoma
Norman, Oklahoma 73072-6400
Your donation will be catalogued and reviewed to determine which Iraqi campus library would most benefit from it. Then the Al Sharaka Program arranges and pays for secured shipping to Iraq which will commence this summer. We are able to accept books through the end of May, 2004.
Each donor will receive a commendation certificate based on the information completed on the Donation Form. A tax id can be provided after your donation has been received for deduction recording purposes.
Please help us in this global effort - we believe every college student should have access to our greatest books. We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments.
Marouane, Raye, Mehtab & Andre, Graduate Assistants
Erin Taylor Weathers, Grant Specialist
The Books Beyond Borders Team
Al Sharaka Program for Higher Education in Iraq
University of Oklahoma
(405) 325-5461