On 11/10/06, George Herbert george.herbert@gmail.com wrote:
On 10/11/06, David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
Yet somehow it keeps working, pretty much. This is because every single one of the doomsday scenarios has happened and keeps happening and we've learnt to deal with them as part of the normal course of events.
We thought that about Usenet spam too, once. We lost that one.
Usenet is presently much smaller but still going. The current Cabal ("OK YOU WANTED A CABAL NOW YOU'VE GOT ONE!") are working on how to get people back from web boards. I volunteered to work on an AJAX version of slrn, God help me ...
(And the spam is a lot less. Particularly if you apply vicious filtering to Google Groups, who are now the biggest spam problem site on Usenet and really couldn't give a shit. "Do no evil" apparently doesn't include uncaring negligence.)
- d.