Nazibook skin... white text on white background
Not the first time they've thought of doing this.
The Nazipedia idea has been around for a couple of years now, IIRC.
Assuming that they are smart enough to actually try to organize this (they arn't) they will quickly find out that it wont work. They'll be recongnized for
the > trolls that they are.
Some of them will crash and burn. But referring to people as smart or "not" or "trolls" doesnt do justice to the social ethics we've developed over the years. Positive handling will yield positive results. We've seen plenty of different kinds of POV-pushers come around before.
Regardless of what the original agenda, many eventually shape up, gain in literacy, feed their curiosity about the world, grow in knowledge of subjects of interest, make themselves useful, develop some general perspective, and gain freedom from those in their orbit who dwell in vexation.
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