-----Original Message----- From: David Gerard [mailto:dgerard@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 09:45 AM To: 'English Wikipedia' Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Fred Bauder"clarifies"on attack site link policy
On 13/07/07, Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman@spamcop.net wrote:
There are so many reasons that links to WR are utterly inappropriate that it is a constant source of mystery to me why we are still having a debate about them.
I'm still concerned that a policy of banning entire sites that haven't been specifically named as unacceptable (a) has in practice led to blithering idiocies being perpetrated, in the best of faith, despite all warnings that these were the obvious consequence of encouraging people to delink entire sites willy-nilly (b) that I haven't heard a peep from the people telling me not to mention (a) of why this isn't going to continue to be a problem in future.
- d.
Both links to attack pages and inappropriate bans of "attack sites" will continue to be a problem.