Last week a Citizendium participant sent out this message on h-afro-am:
The whole thing is worth reading, but the gist of it is this paragraph:
"I am withdrawing from Citizendium because of the racist and sexist policy put in place by Larry Sanger, who claims that the disciplines of Ethnic Studies and Gender Studies do not belong in the list of top level categories in Citizendium, or as individual categories at all. Sanger has unilaterally decided that all race and gender topics should be split up under traditional disciplinary headings, so that there will be, for example, a sub-group of "African American Literature," and "African American History," but no category -- at any level -- in African American studies, and he embraces the same tactic of fragmenting other Ethnic Studies and Gender Studies. The fact that his broad strokes of exclusion primarily effect women and minority scholars does not seem to matter to him."
I'm interested to know the reactions of the Wikipedians on this list who've been participating in Citizendium. This persistence of this kind of thing, especially entrenched at the policy level, would probably spell the doom of Citizendium's long-term prospects (which would be unfortunate in my view).